

Educate, Inform, Profit, Persuade, Entertain 

Through peoples conversation

The printing press


Ownership of news                                                      9/1/24


LO: To explore the nature and ownership of the news industry 

3 types of ownership models

"Media Barons"  Owned by wealthy individuals or proprietors  E.G. Rupert Murdoch, Sun 

Trusts -  A legal arrangement that transfers funds from the owner to a 'trustee' to manage and control the running of paper EG Scott Trust , Guardian media group

Cross- media converged media conglomerates - global insinuations that own media outlets EG lord Rotherham which owns the daily mail

Main aim is to make profit which can infect the news your receiving as it is corrupted by views and clicks instead of informing actual news.

77.8% of news are owned by billionaires, 27.3% owned by Rotheremer and 24.9% owned by Rupert Murdoch all together owning more then 50%

Biased can swede peoples thoughts depending on what the owner wants as they are an outlet to news and can constantly pump out their thoughts/ opinions on subjects such as politics. For example Rupert Murdoch who was a trump supporter worked with Donald to pump out media across America that put Donald Trump in a better light compared to his competition EG Hillary Clinton.  








1. Scott trust

Funding and regulation

to explore the impact of newspaper funding and regulation of printed press

How does a media ownership become biased:

Commercial advertising ties, political owner opinion, business interest of owner/friends, profit   


The Guardian Media group bought the Observer in 1993
Guardian and Observer are owned by a trust 

How do news papers make money:

being bought, pay walls, ads, events, sponsored content


News papers need checking



DO NOW                                                                     30/1/24

1.  Crucial to democracy not controlled nor censored just regulated.

2.  Tapping into phones of victims/ civilians to get news without them knowing.

3.  A regulator

4.  IPSO

5. No they are Self-regulated 

For Regulation

Newspapers - cant be trusted - eg phonehacking 

Protect the public

1. Scott Trust Limited owns guardian and observer

2. Left 

3. Self

4. Sales, ads, pay walls, subscriptions, donation

5. So they want news to get to many people

Observer audience

Age 35+

Social class Upper middle

Equal Genders

Live in London/ south

Values arts and culture

Left Wing political

Process by which media technologies are brought together into one computerise device eg facebook, instagram with the observer


An online observer audience are active since they can choose what to read


Against Regulation

Need Communication for the public

Power to the regulator 

Avoid censorship

 Audience (the observer)

Tuesday 6th 

Newspapers are funded by sponsored content by brands paying to be on blurs. This benefits both companies as the newspaper gets money and the sponsor grows their target audience.

Another way newspapers are funded is the use of paywalls, this gives the reader a preview of the newspaper making the rest inaccessible without paying eg The Sun.

Media Languange

L/O: To investigate how print newspapers use media language and create meaning.

Advantages of online news.


Accessible anywhere and anytime

Disadvantages of online news.

It produces no money by readers

Accessible anywhere and anytime

Not accessible without Wifi eg Elderly/ Homeless


Ideologies: Liberalism, Internationalism, patriarchy/anti-sexism, Racism/anti-racism, expressed in the representation.

Liberalism= rights on individually 

Internationalism = Promoting everywhere eg whats happening in America

Celebrity culture: Following people you dont know and staying up to date with people you dont know.

Multiculturalism: Diverse cultures.

Changing attitudes to gender/sexualities: More equality in gender , more acceptance of different sexuality.

Consumerism: Consume in buying products because you want it.

Masthead: Oberserver mean its watching and writing whats happens

Date line:4/2/24

Byline: Carole Cadwalker, Toby gender equality

Masthead: 'Labour draws up ultra-safe bombproof manifesto'

Subhead: Social care and lords reforms trimmed.

Caption: Stepping into history

Stand first:  summary of article

Copy: 2 paragraphs

Main images: parliament member

Minor images: At the top of the newspaper

Columns: 2

Skybox: matt smith, trump, swift eg

Pull quote: from further on the magazine in the corner


1. Font/letter sizes

2. Structure 

3. Lexis = word choice

4. Title

5. At the top , tells you what else contains in the newspaper = Skybox

Historical Case Studies

L/O: To evaluate the impact of social ,cultural ,political and historic contents on 1960s newspapers

Labour = Belief is that they wants to help working class, then it will help the upper class gradually [socialist] 

Liberal Democrats =

Conservatives = More traditional values, belief based on if you help out big a business they will grow and give more jobs to working class [capitalist] 

Observer/ Guardian is a similarity it has not changed.

Do now 
Navigation bar = search bar
Banner is the top part image 
pull quote massive text 
standfirst small summary under masthead
masthead = title 


Lack of Gender inequality

Fear of invasion = Cold war = Espionage. Secretive 
government. Cold war
state of political hostility between countries characterised by threats, propaganda, and other measures short of open warfare.

Vietnam War - protests to stop the war 

Civil rights- USA + UK- Martin Luther King/Malcom X protesting - Racial equality


Racism in society.

Patriarchal society [ more men in charge ]  ›

Labour run government [ for the people brought in NHS ect ]

Do now                                                                   12/3/24

How broadsheet newspapers reflect the time and historic contents, refer to observers 1960s

The observer cover from the 1960s, 'Lawyers will urge divorce by consent' reflects a societal unbalance when it comes to gender equality, showing it was a patriarchal society. This clearly indicates woman were seen as inferior to men during the 1960s, as they weren't able to have a say in divorce, which indefinitely caused severe mental or physical trauma to some women trapped in marriage. This shows the Observer during the 1960s reflected the time/events that occurred.

Another Observer cover which reflects a social unbalance when it comes to gender inequality during the 1960s is,  "Jackie: We are very happy." This clearly highlights a favour in men during the 1960s, as Jackie was only focused about being a wife which, juxtaposes her husband which the Observers go more in-depth with his job. This shows the Observer during the 1960s reflected the time/events that occurred. 

Do now 

1. Copy ( writing) dominated 
3. 9 or more stories 
4. ads on the bottom right 

Exam format 

observer is owned by Scotts Trust, funded by ads , IPSO regulates newspapers

Globalisation , Diversification

Broadsheet = lot of writing such as the guardian/observer
Tabloid= One main image, bold writing, little to no writing eg the Sun


Publishing in print has the advantage of always confirmed sales via the older generation, increasing profits as they are roughly 3 pounds per newspaper.

Publishing online has the advantage of instant news on any situation, also allowing editing if a situation develops increasing the trust between the readers.


The Observer front page represents Woman [a social group often underrepresented] via the front image, the midshot used makes the woman look strong and determined due to her facial expressions.

Another underrepresented social group used is the older generation, Alan Davies juxtaposes the male stereotype by being open about his vulnerabilities showing his emotional side publicly. The high angle long shot, adds onto this making him look vulnerable and weak. 


It is clear to me that this Observer extract reflect the genre conventions with its Broadsheet  structure including the skyline , the copy dominated and the 

Do now 

1.  big Main cover image, Masthead, byline, price, barcode, celebrity culture (soft news) 

2. Masthead,dateline,skyline, main cover image, Columns, barcode  

3. Broadsheet 

 Guided Practice Q9

Genre = type
in newspaper type means = Tabloid/broadsheet 

Skybox Bold serif masthead = Serif means sophisticated news, mid to higher class. Black on  white means its serious.

Image = 1 main image, rishi sunak on a low angle, mid shot shaking an american politician shaking hands formally indicating a sense higher class and peace towards the two nations making eachother more powerful, we expect this in the observer as the observer normally show liberal and more serious news.

The media language used in the Observer reflect the genre conventions of a broadsheet newspaper. For example the use of one main image of rishi sunak (primeminster of UK which already indicates a quite serious topic which is typical for the Observer)  at a low angle, mid shot (shows hes more powerful) shaking an american female politicians hands formally. This indicates a sense of wealth between the two and peace towards the two nations, benefitting from each-other. We expect this from an Observer newspaper as the Observer normally shows liberal and more serious news. Therefore this reflects the genre conventions of a Broadsheet newspaper.

In conclusion, The media language used in this Observer extract comply with genre norms.



L/O: To reflect on the exam and identify areas to improve.

1.Language Industry Audience Representations = LIAR
2. cold war, nam war, espionage, world-cup, civil rights and gender equality protests ect, labour party in control for the first time
3. Israel and Russia war, equal pay, acceptance of lgbtq, go on phones, celeb culture    

Q6 Age

Q7 Online Media is hard to regulate because of how broad it is. Due to the size there are many people, meaning you can find bad people.

Another reason online media is hard to regulate because of how quick it is to share content on the internet, which is the opposite when it comes to for example, parliament passing new laws.


One way the Observer front page follows the conventions of a broadsheet newspaper is by their use of formal language which applies to their higher and middle class audience, indefinitely contrasting tabloid conventions.

Another way the Observer front page follows the conventions of a broadsheet newspaper is by including smaller images, which is an absolute norm of broadsheet newspapers all the back from the 60s.

Judgment = intro and conclusion. 

Representations = observer is leftwing, liberal (support equality, serious new and fights for those without power and voice) 
Audience likes food and culture

The representations in this Observer cover are mostly typical of what you would expect from an Observer cover with their liberal ways. For example the main image of Serena Williams and Andy Murray reflect racial and gender equality which is a typical reoccurring topic talked about on a Observer newspaper, due to their left wing political view point, which likes to fight for equality .

Another way this Observer cover follow typical representations  

The observer challenges stereotypes to break boundaries + create equality

Tuesday 23rd April

1. Observer = progressive + support equality, lift wing liberal, fights for those without power/voice

2. Conventions of a broadsheet = small images, formal language, more important news, serif masthead   






Genre conventions- broadsheet
Looks like a broad sheet through - Masthead,Text,Photo

Not like a broadsheet- skybox,content (fashion,lifestyle), bright colours 

Gender roles
Democracy/ liberal view point 
Celebrity Culture

The media language in the Observer Newspaper reflects the genre conventions of a typical; broadsheet newspaper majority of the time. For example the photo of the two woman in the Skybox are represented as strong and independent through their poses. which reflects typical contents of the observer of, gender roles, multicultrsim, lifestyle and consumerism. The use of the skybox to advertise the content or magazine of the newspaper is a convention of broadsheet newspapers.

Another way the Observer newspaper reflect the genre conventions of a typical broadsheet newspaper is the use of, the copy. The copy is altered into a more formal way, targeting the typical target audience of middle - working class adults of broadsheet readers. The use of 3 columns of copy shows a convention of broadsheet newspapers and reveals that the audience are well educated and like in depth detailed news.

A way the Observer newspaper does not reflect the genre conventions of a typical broadsheet is the use of, vibrant warm colours on the skyline. The use of bright colours are a common appearance of Tabloid newspapers ,such as the sun, contrasting the genre conventions of a typical broadsheet.



  1. 9/1/24- Great notes on the work and understanding so far.

  2. 7/2- Great answer, 4/4- ensure you fully explain each time to meet full marks.

  3. 23/4- Great analysis, T: Conclusion needed and try to bring in some more contextual points.


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