News Day Evaluation


L/O: to evaluate and review our news day project

1. explain what you did and what stories you worked on

i worked on a story about the bodmin football team beating Charles town 8-0

2. I enjoyed just working on the script because i found it quite just chill talking to my mates whilst doing the script.

3.I least enjoyed being infront of the camera because it just felt a bit awkward.

4.The skills i learnt are using the green screen in imovie and just adapting in skills on imovie.

5.What i learnt about the news process is that it can be quite tiering when it comes to doing the script because you have to research so much to your information however at the same time i just liked talking to my mates whilst im doing it.

6. If i could do it differently  i would perhaps not be the bloke on the camera. 


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