



Research 11/5/23



They normally include some type of fitness going on in the home page.

They include people in gyms/ doing some type of fitness

The colour scheme is quite passive nothing explosive but not dull at the same time 

The logos are normally in top corners 

The pages on the top are normally food, workout routines with expert opinions 

The other links are normally sports wear or where to call to get help ect 

The fonts used are quite bold but not in your face and normally they bold the main things ect What foods to eat

The linked pages carry on with the same colour pallet and overall deign as each other 

The pages linked are normally at the top as a banner  

The linked pages normally only have 1 or 2 images on it 

The fonts very as hook ect is  What foods to eat  then bellow it is information ect:  fruit is good for you as it provides vitamins  

The text are quite organised neatly or under images

Task 2 

codes and conventions are used to promote, reflect or subvert value systems.

 you have a company that sells different kinds of fruits. Someone searches 'bananas' and clicks on your ad.
There are several segments, but the most common are weight loss, social, bodybuilding, elite performers and sport. From there, you can segment further based on demographics such as age, gender, location, orbehaviour

Name of website: Champions
Website aim: To get better at football + Maintain your fitness levels with a good diet and routine
Style: Simple but effective black and white 
Slogan ideas: This is how you become a champion off and on the pitch.
Image ideas: Football, Treadmill, Bowl of fruit 
Social Media Platforms: Instagram 
List info, include on homepage: Different routines on different things to improve on such as stamina or football must needs such as being good at passing and how improve on those things.
Representations: Be Active, aspirational, healthy, normal friendly 
Video ideas: Maybe day in the life in a 3rd pov showing the person playing football, eating healthy ect/ how to do other things/ skills diet ect      
'Screen Shot 2023-06-29 at 15.22.25.png' failed to upload. TransportError: There was an error during the transport or processing of this request. Error code = 103, Path = /_/BloggerUi/data/batchexecute

Logo: Half football half crown , Simplistic 

Adobe illustrator

Target audience                                                             29/6/23

1. probably rubbish
2. Something outdoor themed 
3. Bit of both still i will show u how to do stuff with practically no equipment
4. Fitness

7th September 2023

Statement of intent . 
My website is going to be about health & fitness with a football twist focusing more in male audience of the ages 14-18 year olds, how to improve your health and fitness whilst also levelling up your football ability. My website name is    and the goal for this website to obviously improve your footballing ability and health and fitness however, i also want to add a mental side to it as Football on the surface is just a game where you kick a ball into the net but despite that for the players, football can effect your mental health and it can sometimes represent it with your performances, Football can cause a growth in your stress levels, depression and aggression so through this website I want to make sure you get rid of those negative effects in the mental side of football, eliminating poor performance and getting benched. Instead this website will help you boost your motivation and your ability to play football.   

Thursday 14th September 2023
Coursework Review

1. There will be images linking to the health and fitness theme, the colours used will all be the same and the text will also link back to the health and fitness theme, also 
how football can benefit your mental health also the equipment u can use in football to increase your ability in football
2.How to achieve more things like agility.  The video will be a training drill with cones.
3.The Genre will be made clear with a sub title under the logo/ have a slogan type thing to the side about it like " the number 1 best teenager health and fitness page"
Choose template in wix, make logo, plan videos and photos with mates, get more equipment/ make sure i have some 

An interview
Fact sheet
How To
Profil. e

L/O: To create a convincing article for a teen health & fitness magazine/website using appropriate language, tone and representation

1. it has the same theme of football
2. Football, how to get better/ maybe an interview if i can get one of mates 
3. portrait maybe of the guy being interviewed if not just normal quite informal not a portrait just relaxed
4.Probably dont know the fonts but most probably
5.How to.... / An interview from ..... and then there info and trophies/personal achievements they won
6. Like a pro or just relaxed 


    Some research, both analysis missing


    A good start - I like your logo
    I'd like to see more about how you're going to target teens specifically.


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